
Black Blade Kindred Elden Ring

Found guarding the steps that lead to the Grand Elevator of Rold, this challenging foe is one of two Black Bract Kindreds in Elden Ring — the other one guards the Bestial Sanctum in Dragonbarrow. Both are seriously difficult fights, but fortunately, both can be cheesed. In fact, the cheese for this particular Blackness Blade Kindred is actually adequately easy to pull off, provided yous're willing to spend some runes and upgrade materials. Read on to run into how information technology's done!

This strategy includes some projectiles and a specific Spirit Ash — if you don't have something that's mentioned below, click on the item and you'll be able to see where and how to learn information technology.

It'due south really non fair that this guy is and so tall (and can two-shot builds that accept 2000 HP), and so we aren't going to fight fair either. If you used our Lichdragon Fortissax guide, you've already upgraded Latenna, simply otherwise, that's going to be your first step — go to Roderika in Roundtable Hold and upgrade Latenna the Albinauric as much every bit possible. If you lack Ghost Glovewort, don't forget virtually the Ghost-Glovewort Pickers Bong Bearings [1] and [2], which allow you purchase infinite gloveworts. Don't exist shy about using those Golden Runes in your inventory if yous demand money to buy glovewort or pay for upgrades!

Next, if yous aren't playing a ranged build, brand certain you have a decent number of throwable projectiles in your inventory. Annihilation is fine — information technology doesn't have to practise a lot of damage, and then you tin arts and crafts Bone Darts or something similar. Pots tin can also be helpful, but yous'll definitely need at least 20-thirty longer-ranged throwables like the Bone Darts if you don't accept a long-range attack as part of your regular build.

Properly prepared, you can head due south from the 1000 Lift of Rold site of grace, towards the stairs. If you don't have this site of grace, you should get it — see walkthrough for details — every bit information technology makes pulling this strategy off much easier. At the top of the stairs, go left, and brand your way onto the highest ledge that runs parallel to the stairs. Get to the middle of the ledge (relative to the stairs) and then summon Latenna.

With that done, go back the way you came and down the stairs to trigger the spawn of the boss. Once you see the boss's health bar, quickly go back upwardly the stairs and make your way to the contrary ledge, on the other side of the stairs from Latenna.

Now all you need to exercise is juggle the dominate aggro with Latenna , so that she doesn't die to the boss'south weak — but consistent — ranged attacks. To do this, use your Bone Darts or other projectiles on the boss every fourth dimension the boss turns to face Latenna. In one case he's facing you, you lot tin just block or contrivance his ranged attacks while Latenna dumps arrows into his barrel — often, he doesn't even bother to attack you lot. When he turns towards her, start throwing stuff at him once more!

black blade kindred cheese gif elden ring
This is basically all y'all have to practise

If he ends up close enough, you tin can use Fire Pots or something like, which volition speed up the fight considerably. Naturally, characters with constructive ranged attacks can only use them from the ledge the entire fight.

If for some reason the boss makes his manner upwardly onto the ledge, or goes around a corner and doesn't come dorsum, you tin just quit to the master menu and try once again — as long as you lot're quick getting onto your ledge, the boss should behave and remain in the position visible in the above GIF.

It's worth noting that if you become lucky and Latenna spawns far enough back from the edge of the ledge, she'll be able to free-fire on the boss without beingness hit past his ranged assail. If this happens, you lot can just take a break, get a snack, phone call your mom, etc.

black blade kindred cheese good luck elden ring
A lot of Latenna'due south arrows might hit the ledge if she spawns far back, but she's got a magic bottomless quiver (and she's safe here!)

This is included for masochists who choose to fight this boss fairly, and therefore demand to know the boss's moveset. Interestingly, it appears to exist the verbal same moveset equally the Valiant Gargoyle (specifically, the 1 that also wields a twinblade and an axe). The only difference is that the Black Blade Kindred, when charging up his attacks with a roar, also adds a impairment-over-time blackness flame effect.

  • Swipe – The gargoyle hops into the air just a scrap (closing the gap if his target isn't in range), and swings its weapon horizontally from (your) correct to left.
  • Leaping Plunge – The gargoyle leaps towards his target and stabs with his weapon.
  • Ground Slam – The gargoyle roars and raises his twinblades high, then slams them into the ground. After a very brief delay, the ground around where his weapon struck quakes, doing damage to anything continuing in the AOE.
  • Stomp – The gargoyle stamps his front human foot — oft chained into Sweep + Slam.
  • Sweep + Slam- The boss rings his weapon around his back and drags it on the ground before sweeping information technology upward. He then quickly brings his weapon around once again for a high-to-low slam assault. There's a long delay between the stamp and the sweep, and and then the last assail comes quickly , so this one can be tough to avoid.
  • Stomp + Slash – The gargoyle stamps his front pes, so quickly slashes with his weapon horizontally.
  • Slam + Sweep – The gargoyle raises his weapon high and quickly slams it down, and so dashes away and starts dragging his weapon, then sweeping information technology upwards diagonally
  • Double Slam – The gargoyle slams his weapon high-to-low two times.
  • Sound Wave – The gargoyle roars, and a sonic projectile shoots rapidly towards his target.
  • Thrust + Spin – The gargoyle thrusts its twinblades towards its target, and then spins twice, sweeping horizontally with its weapon — sometimes chained into the Leaping Plunge.
  • Slash + Stab – The gargoyle slashes diagonally (this can come from either side) and then stabs with the closer part of the weapon — sometimes chained into the Leaping Plunge.
  • Leaping Whirlwind – The gargoyle turns 360° and starts spinning his weapon in front end of him. If you're shut to the dominate, information technology will do a large, sweeping horizontal set on to end this move. If you're far away, he leaps into the air and plunges towards you, doing a spinning attack as he lands. If yous're beneath him on the staircase and he lands in front of you, this plunging version seems to miss every time.
  • Cyclone Sweep – The boss puts his weapon behind him, spinning it, then slashes horizontally after a brief delay.


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